Help to build the Encarta Encyclopedia
Black History Publisher Center
Welcome to the Black History PUBLISHER CENTER!
This is a place for you to help shape your Black History experience as a user of our services.
Here are some guidelines for using our news section:
Please search for the correct section to post your particular news story
This section of our website is for those who would love to submit great news content.
Your news stories can make a big difference cause they are created by your as a publisher of the content and posted in the correct section of our website.
Please do not post personal information (such as email addresses, phone numbers or names) in this section of the website
If you are a publisher and would love to submit content then please take the time to do so here.
Black History "It's Your History"
Improve discovery and classification on our content by making sure to properly submit content to the correct categories through the Encarta Publisher Center.
Academics from our most prestigious educational institutions are wanted to contribute their knowledge with article contributions to our encyclopedia.
If you are interested in this opportunity and you are a faculty member of such an institution then drop us a line via our email form provided below. The Black History Encyclopedia is not open to the public and due to the facts that we want our content to be credible and to come from very credible sources.
Should you wish to get involved then contact us using the email form provided below.
Thank You